JGF-rock art-Birthing Scene-US-UT-3387.jpg
![The Birthing Scene Panel depicting a woman giving birth to a large seed. Near Moab, Utah. It is an ancient Ancestral Puebloan Native American rock art panel and was chiseled into a large sandstone boulder more than 800 years ago.](https://www.jonfullerphotography.com/img-get/I0000Q9RJUF2HnWs/s/850/850/JGF-rock-art-Birthing-Scene-US-UT-3387.jpg)
The Birthing Scene Panel depicting a woman giving birth to a large seed. Near Moab, Utah. It is an ancient Ancestral Puebloan Native American rock art panel and was chiseled into a large sandstone boulder more than 800 years ago.
Jon G. Fuller, Jr. 3738x5606 / 19.7MB